There is an unmistakable connection between Akrout’s two chosen disciplines, for as an actor his job is to inhabit different emotional states, and as an artist he has an uncanny ability to capture in only a few strokes of the brush or pen.
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There is an unmistakable connection between Akrout’s two chosen disciplines, for as an actor his job is to inhabit different emotional states, and as an artist he has an uncanny ability to capture in only a few strokes of the brush or pen.
Read MoreThe Paris-born master of onscreen dashing/dangerous bad-boys lets his joie de vivre nomad him far and wide – the resulting portmanteau of accents he regularly aces is nothing short of Streep-ian. From philosophy at The Sorbonne and drama at LAMDA to The Borgias and Mr Selfridge, Akrout’s ability to travel boldly in life – and role – is a tour de force.
Read MoreEdward Akrout is coming to Hoxtown with his solo exhibition called 'First Impression'. His work will be at The Hoxton Hotel until January 2016 (we loved it that much).
Read MoreAkrout has earned global recognition for his ability to craft complex characters across multiple mediums.
Read MoreEdward Akrout has a big presence in the UK but now he's trickled to the other side of the pond. Off screen, Edward made his debut in the art world this year, showcasing his paintings at...
Read MoreWhether Akrout is performing on the stage or the screen, donating his time to aid work, or painting in his West London home, he gives his all. You know that he’s authentic, genuinely quirky, and unpretentious, whilst retaining a humble attitude toward others.
Read MoreEdward Akrout arrives for our photo shoot in the impeccably decorated drawing room of London’s Dorset Square Hotel. The dashing six foot tall actor is quiet and polite, with a charming British accent and wildly unkempt hair. Akrout has been busy making a name for himself with roles in high profile projects like The Borgias (Showtime), The Hollow Crown (BBC) and the recently released Hollywood Western Dead in Tombstone.
Read MoreTell us the most surprising thing about you.
I speak multiple languages, and am an artist (painter)
What’s your motto?
My family motto: “Ne tentes aut perficie”. Alternatively: “Don’t attempt anything that you can’t lead to perfection”. It was pretty daunting at first but I’ve grown to accept and like it as I’ve aged.